Prepare for D-day

I watched part of the BBC coverage of the 80th anniversary of D-day in Normandy. When the Ukraine’s President Zelensky met with the last few veterans and spoke with them you could see something pass between them. The old veterans had once stood where Zelensky and his countrymen now stand, in the heat of battle,…

St Anthony, The Eucharist and a mule

St. Anthony of Padua lived during the 13th century and possessed a great zeal for the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. One day Saint Anthony heard of a man in Rimini named named Bononillo who did not share the same belief. In fact, Bononillo openly mocked people who believed that Jesus was truly…

God’s gifts and troubles or God Himself and peace of mind?

I have noticed of late that many people’s woes stem from ‘Needing’ what they want but not wanting what they need. It creates a lot of tension, pressure, disappointment and often broken relationships. Sometimes it seems that God gives in to the whims of His children (and sometimes not) but which is really the greater…


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About Me

A Catholic Scientist from Manchester (UK) currently living in the Philippines. Co-Founder of a small charity group in the UK:- Medjugorje International Relief. My joy is to write about God, that is when my spirit is quickened.

Medjugorje International Relief

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